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1533 data/2016-05/P(1)0003565.pdf 0 0 "Know Your Rights or Your Safety Is At Risk In Any Interaction With The Police" SHOCKING video was uploaded to YouTube recently shows a man in Newington, Connecticut, refusing to fall for Police State tactics of intimidation at a police Checkpoint - widely known as a sobriety or DUI Checkpoint, but in reality what amounts to an excuse for cops to surveil and keep tabs on Citizens. They say cops are keeping us safe, but the reality is absolutely different! Those pigs are filling up prison for profit quotas, arrest quotas, any other f@cking quotas. REMEMBER: Police is not a guarantee of peaceful streets... not in the police states of America. Moral of the story: educate yourself, stand up for your constitutional rights and take the power back from these public "servants."#PowerToThePeopIe. We are the many, they are the few. Together we can stop #PoliceTerror. https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 0.00 USD 2016-05-25T06:29:35-07:00 2016-05-26T06:29:34-07:00

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