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1532 data/2016-05/P(1)0003564.pdf 3990 18975 We know million stories about ridiculous reasons why people have been arrested but this time is out of my mind! A man was arrested for SMOKING A CIGARETTE OUTDOORS! I bet the news related to 'hard to believe in' but still... Watching the video I've only noticed people peacefully enjoying the beautiful nature on a bright sunny day, and as soon as police show up the police ruined the camping. I wonder what would happen, if people stood together against the police? Is it any Chance to transform police brutality into something peaceful? Guys, please, feel free to share our opinion with us in comments below. https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 700.00 RUB 2016-05-25T06:29:46-07:00 2016-05-26T06:29:45-07:00

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