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1525 data/2016-05/P(1)0003557.pdf 0 0 Even if you do not resist, it won't help you to avoid police terror. The guys in the video was not resisting, he's not aggressive - he was unarmed but the sadistic sociopath cops keeps tasing him repeatedly! The police have no right to treat people this way, but they are literally breaking the law. What kind of respect Citizens. This is why people do not trust the police. This cop is a coward! The community needs to come together and get cops like this off the force. Together we stronger! https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 0.00 USD 2016-05-18T06:24:17-07:00 2016-05-19T06:24:16-07:00

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