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152 data/2015-08/P(1)0001940.pdf 42 315 What is like to live in America if you are black? Well, first of all you have to work much harder to prove that you are worth others. Second of all, everybody is judging and stereotyping you by the color of your skin. Third of all, you are always being an “other” even in the country you were born. Forth of all you are always expected to be load and to dance well. In addition, there are lots of people who like to “throw race cards”. Can we live like that? How long should we wait for the government contributions? https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 119.55 RUB 2015-08-18T08:22:26-07:00 2015-08-19T08:22:25-07:00

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