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1486 data/2016-07/P(1)0003520.pdf 0 0 State Police pulled Philadelphia attorney Rebecca Musarra over for allegedly speeding on October 16, 2015. She refused to answer any questions and they arrested her for obstruction of justice. She was later released without being Charged for obstruct. Americans have rights and one of them is the right to remain silent. We don't have to answer your stupid interrogation questions. If we are speeding, tell us we were stopped for speeding, issue the warning/summons and get the hell out of our lives Nazis. Why did they escalate the situation? What for? The best part of the video is when they say she had the right to remain silent. LOL! #Copslogic https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 0.00 USD 2016-07-06T07:05:53-07:00 2016-05-07T06:35:17-07:00

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