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1479 data/2016-06/P(1)0003513.pdf 0 0 Everyday we watch, read and receive news of police beating, assaulting, and killing innocent people. These videos and instances have become so common that people are rarely shocked by even the most brutal of cases. We were wondering how long time would it take to make people fighting back? So now, karma's coming back for blue pigs! A shocking video was shared on social media Tuesday showing two police officers being attacked. Two unidentified men were seen beating up the two officers for seemingly no reason. The incident occurred Monday afternoon in Northeast Philadelphia after two school police officers were called to break up a fight outside of a local pizza shop. As we can see police couldn't stop the fight. Now we see what kind of police do we have. Those cops are slow weak doughnuts, who can do |itera||y nothing without using their guns. Cops can blame themselves when shit like this happens. They live by their own laws, they can break your arms and legs, torture you with Chemical and electrical ways, rape or even kill you "doing theirjob." All those things and more are well within departmental policy. So I'd rather give a fight for my rights than ignore the fact our country becoming a Nazi States of America. Look around, the only other thing that will happen is that people will whine about it, but will ultimately do nothing to actively stop this behavior, and this is why cops are so violent now. If we want to stop it, we should fight as our ancestors did it for centuries. Take out a few dozen cops and the rest will Change. Amen. https://www.facebook.com/Dont-Shoot-1157233400960126/ 0.00 USD 2016-06-28T06:49:02-07:00 2016-05-09T06:35:55-07:00

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