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142 data/2015-08/P(1)0001930.pdf 35 221 Three Bronx officers were caught on camera by the passenger in a car as the driver appears to be repeatedly punched in the head and thrown to the ground. “Y’all is punching me in the face. What did I do to deserve this?” the 24-year-old Timothy Nelson can be heard saying in the recording of the July 26 traffic stop. Do they really need 20 cops showing up for a traffic stop? And that's why I’d rather call a crack head for help before I call the cops ..... they don't protect and serve, they shoot and kill anybody that's not wearing a police badge. And I do not wear it. https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 61.33 RUB 2015-08-04T08:31:58-07:00 2015-08-05T08:31:58-07:00

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