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137 data/2015-08/P(1)0001925.pdf 120 1294 Special prosecutor opened an investigation into death of black women Raynette Turner New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will launch an investigation into to the death of one of the five black women who died in an American jail over a two-week span. Raynette Tumer who was the mother of eight Children died in jail cell in police custody last week. She was arrested for shoplifting some crab legs from a grocery store. Due to her bad health history she was taken to the hospital and released. But she died in jail waiting for someone to help. According to American legislation, the courthouse officials are supposed to Check the cell every fifteen minutes but, no one Checked Tumer‘s cell for more than two hours. A total of five African-Amerioan women have been found dead in police custody in just the last month. Most of them were hold for minor Charges and still their deaths are under investigation. Sandra Bland from Texas, Kindra Chapman from Alabama, Joyce Curnell from South Carolina, Ralkina Jones from Ohio, and Raynetta Turner from New York were found dead in their cell after being arrested by police officers. Once again it raises questions about how black people are treated in police custody. What if death in police custody is about excessive police force? Do you realize that dozens of black people were found dead in the US? https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 277.27 RUB 2015-08-05T07:05:06-07:00 2015-08-06T07:05:06-07:00

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