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130 data/2015-07/P(1)0001917.pdf 125 869 'We want our Chief back' Last week, in a place that bills itself as the “Friendliest Town on the Eastern Shore,” angry residents marched to City Hall, demanding to give back a job for Kelvin Sewell, the community’s first black police Chief. On June 29 he was fired amid allegations leveled against white officers of departmental racism. After that the crowd of Sewell's supporters moved to voice their outrage to the Pooomoke City Council with posters that read "We Support Chief Kelvin Sewell." As a nation we have looked the other way for far too long and it is disgraceful! This time we're not fighting with police, we're fighting forjustioe. The system is broken, police doesn't protect us and the government cares only about tycoons' interests. So here's a question - who will care about Americans who can't protect themselves? Who will care about us? #JusticeforChiefSewell https://www.facebook.com/BlaCk-Matters-1579673598947501/ 210.75 RUB 2015-07-21T06:54:35-07:00 2015-07-23T06:54:33-07:00

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