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1038 data/2016-04/P(1)0002849.pdf 3081 30305 One of our subscribers asked us to join #Hi||aryC|intonForPrison2016 Flash mob. ARE YOU READY FOR A FLASH MOB, BLACKTIVISTS? If Hillary and her party have done so much for us, why is poverty increasing in the black community? Why we can‘t see economic development? Why there are no jobs for us? Why black unemployment rate is twice as the national average? She wasn‘t for us here before the elections, remember? If these questions are asked more often, it will be another disappointing Election Day for Hillary Clinton. Take part in this flash mob and show everybody that no one can manipulate black voters. Take a picture with a hashtag #HillaryC|intonForPrison2016 => Sign the petition and spread the truth. https://www.change.org/p/petitioning-judiciaI-and-IegisIative-branCh-of-govern ment-united-states-government-prosecute-a-candidate-for-president-of—the-us- hi|Iary-CIinton-on-treason-Charges ISAY NO TO HILLARY CLINTON / I SAY NO TO MANIPULATION https://www.facebook.com/Blacktivist-128371547505950/ 3000.00 RUB 2016-04-07T07:45:15-07:00 2016-04-10T07:45:14-07:00

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